Live Streaming Needs During COVID-19

The current situation is changing the way we work and reach followers and audiences. We no longer have access to as many people or resources as we did before and solutions for live streaming have become critical for the success of many organizations and businesses at this time. So what are businesses and organizations doing to keep up?

The following is a collection of live streaming success stories that we received from our clients since the impact of COVID-19.

Religious Organizations, Non-Profits, and Community Events

  • Fundraiser for a Local Food Bank
  • Reaching Hospital Employees
  • Connecting the Community
  • Streaming Mass
  • Streaming Church Service

    Media and Government

  • Producing A COVID-19 Live Series with a Remote Team
  • Streaming Local Town Halls with Congress Member Mike Levin
  • Being on the Front Lines during COVID-19
  • City of San Jose's Need to Reach Cable TV
  • Streaming Events for Local Government, Schools, and Non-Profits
  • Aviation Channel Goes Live from Heathrow


  • Remote Studio for Company Leaders
  • Bonding in a City that has Slow Connection
  • Reaching Remote Anchors with the Bond Backpack
  • Using Core to Manage E-Sports Live Feeds Globally

    Religious Organizations, Non-Profits, and Community Events

    “A local food bank had to cancel their biggest fundraiser of the year. It was sold out, so they were greatly disappointed. In less than 48 hours, we planned a virtual auction that we live-streamed to their Facebook page. They were extremely happy with the results. It felt great to lend a hand.” - Carlos R.

    “We are helping one of Baltimore’s local hospitals with live streaming several employee town hall meetings and beginning next week we’re doing 4 Facebook lives for them. We’ve been getting a ton of inquiries for live streaming and expect there to be a huge boom very very soon” - Marty J.

    “We created a Facebook live community feed to present themed events, deliver food to create community bond, and support the incredible talent of local performers and the venues they fill that are suddenly out of work. Quarantined music performance, with all streams remote, along with interactive challenges using our own social gamification tool, Wasabi. and food delivery from the venue, and a good amount of outreach to help alleviate fear and isolation.” - Eric S.

    The Holy Family Parish in Rogoredo have been using the VidiU Pro device and Data Video Solutions in order to broadcast the Holy Mass. Check out their live stream: 

    “I made a Facebook Live today using my iPad Pro and LiveAir from Teradek! The video was pre-recorded and mixed beforehand but I was able to add the video and broadcast using that app!” Eddie P.

    Media and Government 

    This COVID-19 compliant production takes place with talent sheltering-in-place around the world. Directed by George Barnes LIVE from the virtual control room in his home.

    Barnes set up a Teradek Bond encoder for cellular internet redundancy at each filming location and is able to send video from the talent around the world to Cube decoders at his remote master control. The codecs connect to Core, Teradek's cloud-based management platform, where Barnes can manage and route video signals, into his switcher. This allows the scientists and host to continue sheltering-in-place while still bringing the news to the front lines, with Barnes broadcasting from a virtual control room in his home. 

    “The Teradek team really stepped up to help make this show happen” says Barnes, “When the creative came in requiring 8 encoders/decoders at the height of the pandemic panic, I hoped the Teradek team could make this important project happen...and they did...literally overnight.” - George B.

    “We have been working with Congress member Mike Levin in South Orange County and North San Diego County CA to get his town halls online with local doctors to talk about COVID-19. We are using Cube and Core to push to Facebook Periscope, and YouTube to embed on a website.” - Jeremy A.

    “I’ve pretty much been on the front lines of this whole COVID-19 situation since the week after the super bowl. I took several assignments daily working from Travis AFB in Fairfield reporting on quarantined cruise ship passengers, and even interviewing some after they were cleared and released.

    The need for live streaming without any doubt is critically important in a situation like this. People are consuming information and data as quickly as they can that helps them determine what decisions they need to make in their daily lives during the stay at home recommendations. Residents want to know where they can pick up supplies if needed, where they can find groceries if one outlet is sold out, etc.” Carlos R., Central Valley TV

    “The city of San Jose needed to stream Zoom meeting content to YouTube. Sure, we could have Zoom just stream straight to YouTube, but we want broadcast computer graphics, and closed captions on all content. If we use Zoom to include captions, they become open captions when sent to YouTube. Plus San Jose needed to send the same content out to Comcast Cable TV and City Granicus web streaming services, so we brought the Zoom content in house into the broadcast control room.” - Craig J.

    “Our VidiU Go has been working overtime streaming events for local government, schools and nonprofits. On Saturday, we streamed a ‘Stay at Home’ virtual concert with our Teachers Association that raised $13k and counting to feed area families impacted by school closures.” - Brian H.

    “We are a live aviation channel, we travel the world to bring live shows from airports to our viewers. As we have to stay home we can't go to any airport, so we are streaming live shows twice daily to our viewers from HQ (home), which is close to Heathrow. We're playing our 'vintage' and favourite shows, as well as going live from the garden to catch cruisers and those taking off from Heathrow. We just finished day three. Our viewers are appreciating the distraction and entertainment whilst so many are staying home. It's helping us get through all this together. All via Teradek Core, Live:Air, and the Bond657 backpack which we use for all our shows.” - Gilly P.


    "We are running a remote studio of presenters for our clients here in Sydney from a timber shed in my backyard pulling their feeds from webcams, switched through a Roland vision desk, and then out through a Bond 759 backpack. As the local Sydney broadband is being smashed all incoming feeds are utilising a Link Pro backpack for stability. We are facilitating a live event with 3 CEO's + 3 panelists + 5 HR team leaders all offsite and linked in via Zoom for our employees to log in to view." - Mike M.

    “Just wanted to say a big thanks to the Core team. Australia has prehistoric internet infrastructure. I live 25mins from a major metropolitan city and the best I can get is a 3.5mbps ADSL1 connection. Last night I was able to pull off a live broadcast from my house for Violent Soho (one of our best independent rock acts) using Core in HEVC mode, and still had enough spare bandwidth to “satellite” in two band members over Zoom into the stream mix. Had to run a 50m 3G-SDI from my home studio to the top of my house so my collection of bonded 4G SIMS could each get 2-bars of coverage - but it held solid for a 2-hour stream to Facebook and YouTube simultaneously. First time using Core and VidiU Go and couldn’t be happier.” - Dan G.

    “Using a Bond backpack from our live anchors house, back to mine via the slice decoder. We are a tech show for Digital Trends. I love the setup. 6 of us run the show all remote right now. With the exception of going down to 1 camera we have full capabilities we have from our control room. We are on FB, Twitch, Apple News, Youtube, and at” - Mikey S.

    “A unique set of features has meant that the Teradek Core and hardware combination is our choice for bringing the World of GT Racing to the masses. Not only is their hardware bulletproof but when you need it their global support has proved to us we have made the right decision. One thing that’s pretty unique about the system is the integration of hardware and a software cloud environment.

    This allows us to send their small bulletproof encoders to all parts of the world and manage those feeds from one central location. It’s an integrated solution and has proved itself time and time again.

    Given the current climate of remote working and isolation the system has proved itself invaluable again. The increased demand for online broadcasts of E-Sports events has meant that yet again we are using Core to manage live feeds from all over the world. These events require bringing presenters and live game play together into virtual sets alongside audio feeds from game commentators. Using Core gives us the power to control all the feeds in one place and have members of our team manage different areas of the broadcast, all within Core.

    Really great knowing the team at Teradek have our back and looking forward to future evolution of the system.” - Julian, Switchpower Ltd 


    Using Teradek During the Lockdown in Germany

    "Zalando is Europe’s leading online platform for fashion and lifestyle, and delivers to customers in 17 countries. In our fashion store, customers can find a wide assortment from more than 2,500 brands. To achieve this, Zalando employs over 14 000 people across Europe. That means a lot of teams and a lot of communication that needs to happen on a daily basis.

    Before COVID-19, we as the broadcast team had already used a variety of products from Teradek for our live streaming workflow. In the current crisis we use a combination of Google Meet, T-RAX and Core to enable our teams to live stream their all-hands, team meetings and other bigger events remotely. The workflow is a simple chain of a chromebox (back at the office) that connects to the meeting and is connected to our office 1GB internet line > converted by Teranex AV for the T-RAX upstream to Core and then to our streaming platform. This simple solution enabled us to monitor and troubleshoot the stream remotely as well as have all our stakeholders continue to be present undisrupted from the comfort of their homes.

    We started with the VidiU encoder, which we used for basic setup streaming. When live streaming became more important and the company began growing exponentially we moved on to the Cube encoder. At the StreamingMediaEast conference, I met with Jon from Teradek and he gave me the lowdown of the Core platform. This intrigued me immediately and we soon moved all our streaming traffic over to Core Cloud and added 4x T-RAX encoders to the arsenal. These are permanently installed in 2 main event venues, where we need one encoder for English and a second encoder for live German translations.

    Today we own and use multiple Cube and T-RAX encoders/decoders, Bolt transmitters, LinkPro’s and a few Nodes/Bond units for our remote setups. What is important to us as the streaming team is to have the knowledge that our gear is stable and reliable in order to deliver for any situation that is required. Teradek has outperformed in this regard. The ability to choose the Hyperion servers in Europe (via Core) makes our security team very happy.

    Furthermore, the ability to sit remotely and have total control over the encoders and any custom setting that is needed has been of great benefit to us. After major events, our post mortem always consists of screengrabs of the encoder’s performance graphic. This enables any team, from the network team to corporate communication, to have a holistic overview of the technical performance and stability." - Leon, Zalando Germany


    *Manufactured under licence
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